Make a strong business case that gets buy-in and top-level support
Are you a start-up seeking VC investment or an established company looking to go public? Pitching a new business venture to internal stakeholders? Everything hinges on your ability to make a strong business case that generates excitement with confidence and credibility.
From a simple explanation of the market opportunity to details of a go-to-market strategy, we’ll help you craft your story and execute a communications plan that builds trust and enthusiasm.
Then comes the moment of truth: you’re in front of your audience. And if you’re nervous or have any unconscious habits that detract from your message, you’ll be sending the wrong message. So before that moment arrives, we work with you to make sure that every way you communicate, from voice and body-language to facial expressions, are all aligned to reinforce your case.
We’ll teach you the skills to modulate your message so you can move swiftly and easily between a wide range of meetings, from VC pitches and analyst briefings to annual meetings, press conferences and more.
The various audiences—financial institutions, private investors, shareholders, risk managers, advisers, analysts and media pundits—demand different communications techniques and different presentational styles. We’ll give you the tools to enable you to present to the entire financial community the picture of a single, coherent organization that is dynamic and dependable.
Our team includes former Wall Street analysts and press-corps veterans. They know the questions that stretch corporate nerves to the limit. You’ll acquire the skills to maintain control while delivering your points with strength and clarity in realistic scenarios with real-time feedback. So you’ll come away with the confidence and conviction to tell and sell your story.